Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)


Johan Helmich Roman (born 26 October 1694 in Stockholm, died 20 November 1758 on the Haraldsmåla estate in Småland) is one of Sweden’s most important composers of all time. He has been called ‘the father of Swedish music’, and with good reason. As chief conductor of the Royal Court Orchestra, composer, musician and teacher, Roman laid the ground for an increasingly rich music scene in 18th century Sweden. He was also the first Swedish composer to attain international status, and had a prolific musical output covering most of the genres of his time, instrumental and vocal, with the exception of opera and oratorios.

Summary list of works

23 sinfonias, orchestral suites (including Drottningholmsmusiken and Golovinmusiken), 4 violin concertos, a flute concerto, an oboe concerto, a concerto for oboe d'amore and orchestra, flute sonatas, trio sonatas, works for harpsichord (sonatas/suites, etc.), Assaggi for solo violin, 25 etudes for violin, approx. 70 songs, choral works (Svensk mässa, cantatas, etc.).

Works by Johan Helmich Roman

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 361