Olof Rudbeck (1630−1702)


Olof (Olaus) Rudbeck, born 1630 (baptised 12 December) in Västerås and died 17 September 1702 in Uppsala, was an anatomist, medical doctor, historian, natural scientist, architect, composer and musician. One of Sweden’s foremost ‘Renaissance Men’ during the country’s Great Power period, he became, among other things, professor in medicine and chancellor of Uppsala University, with an approach to science that was modern for his time. Moreover, he made lasting contributions to the musical life in Uppsala.


Uppsala universitetsbibliotek

Summary list of works

Two preserved works: Sorg och Klagosång över Axel Oxenstierna and Herre Konungen fröjdar sig (for vocal ensemble and instruments).

Works by Olof Rudbeck

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 1