Göte Carlid (1920−1953)


Göte Samuel Carlid (née Carlsson), a composer, librarian and a scholar of the history of ideas, was born in Sandviken on 26 December 1920 and died on 30 June 1953 in Sundbyberg. After academic studies in Uppsala he worked as a librarian in Enköping and later in Sollentuna, however, from 1950 he dedicated himself solely to composing. Carlid was a self-taught composer and his expressive music often emanated from a sonorous rather than a melodic perspective.

Summary list of works

Vocal works with orchestra (Hymnes à la beauté), works for string orchestra (Notturno, Mässa), chamber music works (Quartetto elegiaco, Eine kleine Teemusik, Triad, etc.), piano pieces (Smärre pianostycken, Sonata lyrica, Monologer), songs (Helt alene, Ur Dithyramb, Tre sånger, etc.), other vocal music and music for recitation (Musikbussen, Tystnadens sjö). In addition, works that were not acknowledged by the composer himself.

Works by Göte Carlid

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 1