- Year of composition: 1818
- Work category: Operetta / Comic opera
- Text author: Johan David Valerius
- First performed: 26 January 1819 (Karl XIV Johan’s first birthday after his coronation) at the Kongl. Stora Theatern (Stockholm). Participants: [first name missing] Söderman (Balder), Ulrik Torsslow (Forsete), Sofia Sevelin, Charlotte Erikson-Wikström and Jeannette Wässelius (Fates), [first name missing] Lindström (A soldier), [likely Lars or Fredrik] Kinmanson (A farmer), Elise Lindström (A farm girl), [first name missing] Berg (A sailor), Lars Hjortsberg (A 100-year-old blind man) and others
- Duration: Approx. 40-50 min
- Detailed duration: Playing time uncertain
2*.2.2.2 / 4.2.1*.0 / timp / str
(picc, bass tbn)
Solo voices/choir
King of the Water Sprites
Water Sprites
A farmer
A Lapplander
A miner
A soldier
A girl
A 100-year-old blind man
Choir: S.A.T.B.
Examples of printed editions
The printed libretto (2 editions) is in the collection of the Musik- och teaterbibliotekets:
- Balder, allegoriskt divertissement af sång och dans i en act. Första gången uppförd på kongl. stora …
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Kungl. Teaterns Arkiv, Operetter B 6 (score and parts)
A Copy of the score was done by Martin Tegen, February 2002
J. D. Valerius: Samlade vitterhetsarbeten, del 2, Stockholm (1855)
Description of work
he setting is partly at the plain of Ida, and partly in a neighbouring region between Sweden and Norway.
Overture: Adagio - Allegro assai D minor 4/4 (C)
Scene 1: The stage depicts a part of the …
Work comment
The divertissement was written for celebrations in connection with the coronation of King Karl XIV Johan in 1818 (Originally a newly-penned opera by Du Puy, ‘Björn Jernsida’ in three acts, was to be …
First Scene
No. 1: Der Urdar-vågor [sic] gjutas från Askens helga rot (Chorus of elves and water sprites)
Och fläta stjernors krans; I andeharpor klinga (Elf-Drottningen)
Der Nornor skåda tingen och flä…