Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783−1847)
Old and New. Songs for the Piano. 4th book. [1.] Ur Lidners Medea [There is an eternal power]

- Year of composition: Ca 1830-1840; According to notes in pencil on the music in the collection at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket the book was printed in 1838
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: Bengt Lidner (the text is partially revised, possibly by Erik Gustaf Geijer)
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
Stockholm at J.C. Hedbom. Lithograph by J. Meijer. (Ed. no. is missing.)
(Sånger vid piano af E. G. Geijer, Häft. II, Abr. Lundquists Musikförlag, Abr. L. 4436)
Description of work
Andante A minor (- A major) 4/4 (C)
Work comment
The collection includes:
[1.] Ur Lidners Medea [Det finns en evig makt]
[2.] Ur Lidners Medea [O Yngling!]
[3.] På Nyårsdagen 1838
[4.] Den lilla Kolargossen
[5.] Riddar Toggenborg
[6.] Anderöst
[7.] Den slumrande lilla flickan
[8.] Spinnerskorna. Duet
Det finns en evig makt,
Som från sin himmel ser.
Vid barnens späda rop
i lägsta vagga ner.
Media files
Edition Swedish Musical Heritage
Vocal scores
Utvalda sånger, volym 2 - Voice and piano (51 pages, pdf - 5.5 MB | Downloaded 3048 times)