Johann Christian Friedrich Hæffner [Haeffner] (1759−1833)


Johann Christian Friedrich Hæffner (then spelled Häfner) was born on 2 March 1759 in the German village of Oberschönau in Thüringen, and died 28 May 1833 in Uppsala. He came to Sweden in 1781 and attained leading musical positions in Stockholm, particularly that of chief conductor of the Royal Court Orchestra. In 1808, after the closure of the Opera, he was made director musices at Uppsala University and later, as well, the city’s cathedral organist. While his folk song arrangements and chorale books made an important impact on music in Sweden, he is also known overseas as a composer of operas. He was elected into the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1788.

Summary list of works

3 operas (Electra, Alcides inträde i världen, Renaud), comic operas (numerous), orchestral works (4 overtures etc.), vocal music with orchestra (Försonaren på Golgata, Psaltarpsalmer etc.), works for piano and organ, solo songs (around 40), chorales, choral music (30 or so songs for male choir, songs for mixed choir), liturgical music, occasional pieces (for academic ceremonies etc.).

Works by Johann Christian Friedrich Hæffner [Haeffner]

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 22