John Fernström (1897−1961)


John Axel Fernström, born in Ichang, China, on 6 December 1897, died in Lund, Sweden on 19 October 1961, was a violinist, composer and conductor. He studied at the Malmö Music Conservatory during 1913–15 and composition with Peder Gram in Copenhagen. In 1916 he was employed as a violinist in the Northwestern Skåne’s Orchestra Society in Helsingborg, but continued his violin studies with, among others, Issay Barmas in Berlin. He returned to Helsingborg in 1922 as a violinist and assistant conductor, continuing there until 1939. Beginning in 1939 he was a freelance conductor and composer in both Malmö and Lund and in 1948 he became municipal music director in Lund. Fernström was quite productive and composed art music within all genres. He became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1953.

Summary list of works

3 operas (Achnaton, Isissystrarnas bröllop, Livet en dröm), incidental music (Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, etc.), orchestral works (12 symphonies, Symphonic Variations, etc.), solo concertos (2 violin concertos, viola concerto, cello concerto, clarinet concerto, bassoon concerto), works for voice and orchestra (8 cantantas, Mass, Stabat Mater, Requiem, etc.), works for song with orchestra (Songs of the Sea, etc.), chamber music (8 string quartets, wind quintet, Chaconne for Cello and Organ, Sonata da Chiesa for Violin and Organ, 3 sonatinas for 2 violins), works for piano, works for organ (Prelude and Fugue in A major etc.), songs and choral works.

Works by John Fernström

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 28