Guide to Folk Music

Welcome to "Vägvisare till folkmusiken" ("Guide to Folk Music"). Here you can search through archives and collections of folk music and find information on what is preserved and how you can contact the various archives. The collections contain handwritten material, printed music notation, printed texts, audio recordings, photographs, musical instruments, information about folk dance as well as other material. You can also see which geographic regions the various collections are associated with.

The archives themselves are responsible for the information found in this database. All of the archives are open to the public, digitally and/or through on-site visits. "Vägvisare till folkmusiken" is a collaboration between Levande musikarv, Svenskt visarkiv and Folkmusikens hus. If you have questions or would like to have your archive included in the database, write to Levande musikarv at:


Spelmanstävlingen vid Gesunda 1906. På bilden sittande vid kärran Nils Andersson och Anders Zorn. På kärran Troskari Erik Persson, Malung. Foto: Gerda Söderlund. Leksands kulturhistoriska arkiv.
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