August Söderman (1832−1876)


Johan August Söderman, born in Stockholm 17 July 1832. Studied harmony and piano at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music as a teenager. Acquired practical experience as music director for a travelling theatre company in the 1850s and later as choirmaster and second conductor of the Royal Opera from 1860 until his death on 10 February 1876. In his capacity as music director for the theatre he composed a great deal of incidental music for plays, as well as vocal works, such as solo and choral ballads and songs. These pieces proved very popular, especially on account of their purportedly folk–music influences. Söderman was a much lauded composer in Stockholm in the mid–19th century, and despite his short life, his output was considerable and many of his works are still performed to this day.

Summary list of works

Music for at least 75 plays (Regina von Emmeritz, Urdur, Hin Ondes första lärospån, Folkungalek, Bröllopet på Ulfåsa, Marsk Stigs döttrar, The Maid of Orleans, etc.), vocal pieces with orchestra (Hafsfrun, Tannhäuser, Die verlassene Mühle, Der schwarze Ritter, Kung Heimer och Aslög, Die Wallfahrt nach Kevlaar, etc.), solo songs (Heidenröslein, Digte og Sange, etc.), choral songs (Ett bondbröllop, Sex visor i folkton, etc.).

Works by August Söderman

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 186